We act in the following stages of the integrated water cycle.
- Catchment: catchment of fluvial water, groundwater and saline water.
- Drinking water treatment: treatment of collected raw water to ensure the quality levels necessary for human and industrial consumption.
- Supply networks: the treated water is accumulated in deposits by pumping or gravity for its subsequent distribution to end users.
- Sanitation networks: waste water is collected and carried to treatment plants.
- Waste water treatment: waste water is treated or depolluted before returning it to nature.
- Outfalls: piping of treated water to the end discharge point.
La Atarjea Wastewater treatment plant
CountryPeruClientSEDAPAL - Servicio de agua potable y alcantarillado de LimaAmountUSD 195.0 M
Central Panama Water sanitation network
CountryPanamaClientMINSA-UCP – Ministerio de Salud- UCP SaneamientoAmountUSD 150.5 M
Enrique Ortega Water treatment plant
CountryPuerto RicoClientPRASA – Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer AuthorityAmountUSD 136.8 M
East Arraiján Wastewater treatment plant
CountryPanamaClientMINSA-UCP – Ministerio de Salud - UCP SaneamientoAmountUSD 102.8 M
Culebrinas Water treatment plant
CountryPuerto RicoClientPRASA – Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer AuthorityAmountUSD 94.3 M
Martín Sánchez Water sanitation network
CountryPanamaClientMINSA-UCP – Ministerio de Salud - UCP SaneamientoAmountUSD 58.6 M
Las Mendozas Water treatment plant
CountryPanamaClientACP - Autoridad del canal de PanamáAmountUSD 56.9 M
Chilibre Water treatment plant
CountryPanamaClientIDAAN - Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados NacionalesAmount52,1 M USD